Connected Backflow

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Zurn Connected Flood Control System (FCIS)

Undetected relief valve discharges cause contamination and flooding. Zurn Connected Flood Control System alerts you as soon as pressure changes, or relief discharge surpasses your set tolerances. Most importantly, your system can shut off water automatically. Monitoring solutions ensure safety, reduce liability, and offer peace of mind.

  • Size options in 2-1/2", 3", 4", 6", 8" or 10"
  • Integral relief valve monitoring
  • Real-time alerts for preset discharge mode
  • Automatic ACV shutoff of water supply
  • High-hazard protection for potable applications

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Zurn Connected Reduced Pressure Principle with Relief Valve Monitor (W1)

Stay responsive and resourceful. Zurn Connected Reduced Pressure Principle with Relief Valve Monitor alerts you as soon as pressure changes, or relief discharge surpasses your set tolerances. If your building requirements restrict automatic shutoff, this system can still alert you on relief valve discharge.

  • Size options in 2-1/2", 3", 4", 6", 8" or 10"
  • Integral relief valve monitoring
  • Real-time alerts for preset discharge mode
  • High-hazard protection for potable applications
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Zurn COnnected Pressure Monitor (ZCSM-PF)

You can’t manage what you don’t monitor. Zurn Connected Pressure Monitor allows you to set high- and low-pressure thresholds. This option upgrades all Zurn Wilkins Double Check Backflow Preventers 2-1/2” or larger.

  • Proactive incoming water pressure monitoring
  • Real-time alerts for preset high and low pressure
  • Available for Double Check or Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventers 2-1/2” or larger

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Zurn Connected pressure monitor (ZCSM-PF) with Flow Meter option (ZCSM-BTM)

Knowing your flow rate can reduce your water usage, costs, and risks. With the Zurn Connected Pressure Monitor with Flow Meter option, you can assess your building’s water consumption, detect potential leaks, or schedule your maintenance around off-peak hours. This option upgrades all Zurn Wilkins Double Check Backflow Preventers and Zurn Wilkins Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow 3” or larger.

  • Size options in 3", 4", 6", 8", and 10”
  • Water rate monitoring and recording
  • Real-time alerts for preset water waste
  • Proactive incoming water pressure monitoring
  • The Flow Meter option (ZCSM-BTM) is an optional upgrade combined with the Zurn Connected Pressure Monitor (ZCSM-PF)

View Our Connected Backflow Preventers

Zurn Building


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