
Extra Heavy-Duty Adjustable Floor Cleanout

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The Z1400 adjustable floor cleanout, with gas and watertight ABS tapered thread plug and round scoriated cast iron extra heavy-duty secured top comes in Cast Iron (Z), Polished Bronze (ZB), Nickel Bronze (ZN), and Stainless Steel (ZS) top options that are adjustable to the finished floor.This cleanout is compatible with inisde caulk, No-Hub, and Neo-Loc connection types, and is easily installed in any type of floor. Cleanout is supplied with a foam thread protector to keep threads clean prior to and during final concrete pour.

  • Dura-Coated cast iron body with polished bronze, nickel bronze, and stainless steel top options
  • Compatible with inside caulk, No-Hub and Neo-Loc connection types
  • Adjustable type, extra heavy-duty cleanout

The ZS1400-DC is a ductile iron cleanout cover with stainless steel veneer that has a load rating of special duty, which has a safe live load of over 10,000 lbs.​

The Z1400 Durest Cover (-DC) is rated Special Duty, having a safe live load of over 10,000 lbs.​

Yes, XH pipe has the same outer diameter as Schedule 40 pipe, a standard pipe size.​