
Reduced Pressure Detector Backflow Preventer


Reduced Pressure Detector Backflow Preventer

The 475DA/475DAV Reduced Pressure Detector Backflow Assembly is utilized in high hazard, fire protection applications to protect against both backsiphonage and backpressure. The 475DA is shaped in the n-Pattern for new or retrofit installations in compact spaces, while the 475DAV is shaped in the z-Pattern and installed vertically in a flow up orientation. Both models include a small footprint for quick and easy fire protection retrofit applications, as well as a metered bypass system to detect leaks and any unauthorized water use, saving you valuable time and money on repairs and maintenance costs.

  • Small footprint for easy Fire Protection retrofits
  • 475DA assembled in "N" pattern
  • 475DAV allows for vertical up flow in a "Z" pattern

Bypass Assembly used with RK6-475DA-BP-LM.


Seat Assembly #1 Poppet used with RK6-375-SEAT1-ASSY. Kit Contains Seat Assembly #1 Poppet.


Complete Rubber Repair Kit, 6" 375ADA used with RK6-375DAC. Kit Contains O-Ring, Seat (x2), O-Ring, Poppet Bolt (x8), and Seal Ring (x2).


#1 Check Assembly Repair Kit, 6" 475DA and 475DAV used with RK6-375CK1. Kit Contains Seat Retainer #1, O-Ring, Seat, Bolt, Poppet Retainer (x4), Handle, #1 Poppet Assembly, Washer, Poppet Bolt (x4), O-Ring, Poppet Bolt (x4), Poppet Retainer, Seal Ring, Seat Assembly, #1 Poppet.


#2 Seat Assembly Repair Kit, 6" 375ADA used with RK6-350-SEAT2-ASSY Kit Contains Seat Retainer #1 (x6).


Main & Bypass Rubber Repair Kit 6" 350DA used with RK6-350DA. Kit Contains O-Ring, Check (x2), O-Ring, Poppet Bolt (x8), Seal Ring (x2), and Bypass Rubber Repair Kit.


Relief Valve Hose Repair Kit, 4" and 6" 475DA and 475DAV used with RK4-RV475-HOSE. Kit Contains Sensing Tube, Elbow, and Nipple.


Pitot Tube Repair Kit, 4" - 10" 475DA and 475DAV used with RK4-475-TUBE-ASSY. Kit Contains Pitot Tube Assembly.


Relief Valve Assembly Repair Kit, 8" and 10" 375DA used with RK8-RV-ASSY. Kit contains O-O-Ring, Relief Valve, Relief Valve Assembly, Bolt, Relief Valve (x2), and Sensing Tube Fitting.


Braided Hose Repair Kit, 8" and 10" 475 and 475V used with RK8-RV475-HOSE. Kit contains Sensing Tube, Elbow, and Nipple.


Relief Valve Assembly Repair Kit, 8" and 10" 475 and 475V used with RK8-RV475-ASSY. Kit Contains Relief Valve Elbow, O-Ring, Elbow/Relief Valve (x2), Bolt, Elbow/Relief Valve (x4), and Relief Valve Assembly.


Cover used with RK8-LBF-VALVE-COVER.


Bypass Assembly used with RK8-475DA-BP-LM.


#1 Seat Assembly Repair Kit, 8" and 10" 375A used with RK8-375-SEAT1-ASSY. Kit Contains Seat Assembly, and #1 Poppet.


Complete Rubber Repair Kit, 8" and 10" 375ADA used with RK8-375DAC. Kit Contains O-Ring, Seat (x2), O-Ring, Poppet Bolt (x12), Seal Ring (x2), Bypass Rubber Repair Kit, and Relief Valve Rubber Repair Kit.


#1 Check Assembly Repair Kit, 8" and 10" 475DA and 475DAV used with RK8-375CK1. Kit Contains Seat Retainer #1 (x4), O-Ring, Seat Assembly, Bolt, Poppet Retainer (x6), Washer, Poppet Retainer (x6), O-Ring, Poppet Retainer (x6), Poppet Retainer, Seal Ring, Seat Assembly #1 Poppet, Washer, and Seat Retainer (x4).


Main & Bypass Rubber Repair Kit 8" - 12" 350DA used with RK8-350DA. Kit Contains O-Ring, Check (x2), O-Ring, Poppet Bolt (x12), Seal Ring (x2), and Bypass Rubber Repair Kit.

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