Separate From the Competition
Whether it’s a 24-hour car wash or a five-star restaurant, reputations rest on a smooth operation. Give your customers and our environment the advantage of Zurn Green Turtle’s patented systems. Customize a solution that’s ready to take on any industry and outperform years down the line.

"Proceptor is an extremely efficient design. It’s structurally strong. It’s very well thought out. It’s a simple, elegant solution. It performs and it’s got a lifetime warranty. We look at it this is a selling point we can give our clients. You’re not going to have to worry ten years later. You’re not going to have to replace it again."
Warren Rosenbrook, P.E. CPD, Henderson Engineers

Additional Resources
- Zurn Green Turtle Info Hub With Specification Drawings
- Zurn Green Turtle Proceptor Sizing Sheet
- UPC - IAPMO Certifications, Listee Name Zurn Green Turtle File #4697, 5497, 7691
- CSA B481 Certification Listing – Zurn Green Turtle File # 253300
- Grease, Oil and Sediment Separation Brochure
- Proceptor Product Brochure
- FOG-ceptor Flyer
- Proceptor Oil Flyer
- Proceptor Grease Flyer
- Retroceptor Flyer
- Smartpro Flyer
- Microceptor Flyer
- Hydrogen Sulfide White Paper